Bollywood’s leading producer-director Karan Johar and Tollywood’s top producer-director Puri Jagannadh have collaborated for an untitled project starring Vijay Devarakonda in the lead. The official announcement came this morning with a tweet by actor and producer Charmme Kaur. Helmed by Puri Jagannadh, it is being bankrolled by Karan Johar and Apoorva Mehta’s Dharma Productions and the director’s Puri Connects along with Charmme. Vijay will debut in Bollywood with this film.
To new beginnings 💖
Shoot begins in mumbai from today 💪🏻@TheDeverakonda @purijagan @karanjohar @PuriConnects @DharmaMovies #VD10 #PJ37 #PCfilm #PanIndia 😍— Charmme Kaur (@Charmmeofficial) January 20, 2020
Although the title hasn’t been officially announced, rumour has it that it has been called Fighter. The film will release in Hindi and South Indian languages. The film also reportedly stars Ramya Krishnan and Ronit Roy in important roles. The technical crew is yet to be announced by the team.
A report in Pinkvilla read that Ananya Panday has been roped in by the crew to romance the actor. It also added that the film is a fresh love-story loaded with action.
Recently, Vijay Deverakonda had flown to Thailand to learn mixed martial arts and for his role in the film. He was also reportedly following a strict diet plan for this entertainer.
The film will be shot predominantly in Mumbai.
Meanwhile, Vijay Devarakonda’s World Famous Lover’s teaser recently dropped. Co-starring Aishwarya Rajesh, Catherine Tresa, Izabelle Leite and, Raashi Khanna, the film is currently in post-production and will hit the screens on Valentine’s Day. He is also believed to be essaying the role of Sobhan Babu in AL Vijay’s Thalaivi, a biopic on former late Chief Minister and AIADMK supremo J Jayalalitha, headlined by Kangana Ranaut.
Watch the teaser of World Famous Lover here.