Actor Karunakaran, in an attempt to help the farmers in the state, has pledged to donate Rs 1 Lakh from his income from each film he does, to farmers. He made the announcement through Twitter on Wednesday.
I pledge to contribute₹ 1 lakh from each movie I sign towards the benefit of a struggling farmers family starting today
— Karunakaran (@actorkaruna) September 9, 2015
Earlier, Bollywood actor Nana Patekar had also made a similar gesture, donating 16 lakhs to widows of farmers who committed suicide in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.
Karunakaran will next be seen in films such as Uppu Karuvadu and Kanneer Anjali. He will also be seen in pivotal roles in Gethu, Oru Naal Koothu, Jackson Durai and Iraivi.