Actress Keerthi Suresh, who has a number of projects in her kitty, has opted out of director Mani Ratnam’s upcoming film. Reportedly, the actress felt that she didn’t fit the role. Speaking to TOI, Keerthi’s dad Suresh Kumar, confirmed that the actress met Mani Ratnam a couple of days back and explained her apprehensions.
Recently, there were reports that actor Dulquer Salman was replaced by Tollywood actor Nani, as the former was not able to allot days for the film.
Shooting of this yet-untitled film was scheduled to start sometime in January, but now it looks like it might get postponed. Currently, Mani Ratnam is busy scouting for a producer to fund the Telugu version of the film.
Karthi, Nithya Menen and Nani are playing the lead roles in the film. The latest update is that actress Saiyami Kher has been roped in to play a cameo role in the film.