Kirumi, directed by debutant Anucharan and written by Kaaka Muttai’s Manikandan, will be screened at the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival in Canada. With this nomination, Kirumi becomes the first Tamil film to have an international premiere at the Toronto Festival. Releasing this week on September 24, Kirumi stars Kathir, of Madha Yanai Kootam fame and Reshmi Menon. The Toronto festival will run from November 5 to November 15.
Produced by JPR Kovai films, the film is reportedly a ‘realistic drama with elements of a psychological thriller’, and tells the story of a lower-middle class boy who is looking for work in the city, and becomes attached to the wrong kind of company. The film also has supporting actors Charlie, Vanitha and David Solomon. The film’s technical crew includes music director Krishna Kumar and cinematographer Arul Vincent. Director Anucharan will also handle the editing work.
Founded in 1997, the annual 10-day Toronto Festival showcases contemporary Asian cinema, including work from the Asian diaspora across the world. The festival aims to enhance appreciation for Asian films in Canada. The full program is expected to be released shortly.
Worked so hard and finally we’re almost ready for print! #RA2015 #goteam
— Reel Asian Film Fest (@reelasian) September 22, 2015