Actress Lakshmi Menon has completed the first schedule of her next yet-untitled film, directed by Shakthi Soundar Rajan, of Naaigal Jaakirathai fame. According to a Times of India report, the actress, who is also shooting for Thala 56, will be essaying the role of a ghost in this movie. The director has also said that the movie is a perfect blend of different genres, and not just a horror movie.
The team will head to Hyderabad for the second schedule and will be back in Chennai to shoot the remaining parts. Actor Jayam Ravi had recently stated that the film would be an edge-of-the-seat thriller.
Actress Anika, who garnered appreciation for her role in Yennai Arindhaal, plays a pivotal role in this movie. For Lakshmi Menon, the role promises to be the ‘lively role’ she was looking for, after being disappointed by the a plethora of ‘shy, reserved roles’ with the same village belle profile that had come her way.