Actress-turned-director Lakshmy Ramakrishnan, on Thursday, lashed out at Vijay Television’s Adhu Idhu Edhu show on Twitter. Apparently, the show made a spoof of the actress, and the program Solvathellam Unmai, whose first season she had hosted.
The actress told Silverscreen, ” Earlier, they made a spoof of my show, and I took it lightly as I found it genuinely humorous. The actors performed well. But I cannot take it lightly if the show and myself get ridiculed every once in a while. Vijay TV is a reputed channel and they have been making good profits. But they cannot make money by ridiculing Solvathellam Unmai, just because they have run out of concepts. The problems we deal with in our show are quite serious”
.@vijaytelevision will you stop this nonsensemble, ask ur performers to find something else to make their money!
— Lakshmy Ramakrishnan (@LakshmyRamki) October 1, 2015
When asked if she was going to take legal action against the channel, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan said, ” I just saw the promo of the programme on Twitter, and that was my immediate reaction. I am definitely going to do something tomorrow.” The actress concluded saying, ” If it had been just once or twice, I could have just brushed it off. But, I am not going to keep quiet this time.”