The production work for Rajinikanth’s Kabali is in full swing, with two larger than life sets being erected at two prominent locations in Chennai, according to a source. One set is being erected in the EVP Park in Poonamallee where Kamal Haasan’s Thoongaavanam was shot, while the other set is being built in Adityaram Studios in ECR, where a majority of scenes from Vijay’s Puli‘s were canned.
Shooting of Kabali will start on September 17 at Chennai Airport. The first schedule is expected to go on for a week, after which the team travels to Malaysia for a long schedule. The photoshoot for the film began a fortnight ago on August 21.
Kabali’s cast includes Rajinikanth, Radhika Apte, Dhansika, Attakathi Dinesh and Kalaiarasan in significant roles. The film has on board music director Santhosh Narayan, cinematographer G Murali, and editor Praveen KL.