Actress Geethu Mohandas’ debut directorial attempt has been nominated for India’s official entry to the Oscars. Liar’s Dice is the story of a young tribal woman who goes in search of her missing husband.
The film’s unusual story-line reportedly made it very difficult for Geethu to get financial support and it was months before she found a producer for the project.
Starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Geethanjali Thapa in lead roles, the film went on to win critical acclaim after its release last year and even fetched two National Awards – The Best Actress for Geethanjali and Best Cinematography for Rajeev Ravi.
Geethu found fame as a child artiste for her role in En Bommukutty Ammavukku, and later as the female lead in Naladamayanthi. Her last Tamil film was K Balachander’s Poi in 2006.
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