R Madhavan, the Indian actor who was last seen in Tamil romantic drama Maara, was conferred with an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (D Litt) by the DY Patil Education Society, Kolhapur in Maharashtra on Wednesday for his contribution to arts and cinema.
The honour, given by the institution’s chancellor Sanjay D Patil, was awarded to the actor during the ninth convocation ceremony.
Suraj, the university’s IT in-charge confirmed to Silverscreen India that Madhavan was conferred with the honour.
Madhavan earned his undergraduate degree Bachelor of Science in Electronics from Rajaram College in Kolhapur. In 1988, he received a scholarship to represent India as the cultural ambassador from the college. He went on to spend a year in Stettler (Alberta, Canada) as part of an exchange programme with Rotary International. He then returned to Kolhapur to complete his education.
Calling Kolhapur a “cauldron of magical experiences” that he used as “tools to fight years ahead”, Madhavan said: “Much to my amazement, I realised the gambit of opportunities that were being opened to me because I was in Kolhapur. From NCC to public speaking to elocution contests, getting into social services.”
Reminiscing his college days, Madhavan said, “I cannot tell how touched I am. While listening to my list of achievements that was being read out, I cannot tell how overwhelmingly grateful and sense of gratitude I felt towards Kolhapur knowing how strongly people here have contributed to the success I have had till date.”
Madhavan is awaiting the release of his directorial debut and biographical drama film Rocketry: The Nambi Effect. The film is based on the life of former ISRO scientist and engineer Nambi Narayanan, who was accused of espionage. Madhavan will be producing and starring in the titular role of the film, which will be released in Hindi, Tamil, and English.