Madhuri, who was last seen in the 2014 film Gulaab Gang, will also work in a Marathi film. Sanjay Dutt and Sridevi were originally supposed to play parents to a young couple, rumoured to be Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt, in the film. Aditya Roy Kapur was also rumoured to play Varun’s brother in the movie. However, only Sridevi and Sanjay had been officially confirmed. The film is touted to be a period drama set in the 1940s. The film is expected to start rolling from early next year.
Dismissing reports on the title of the film, it’s producer, Karan Johar later tweeted that the film is not named Shiddat and the cast and crew has not been finalised yet.
Some clarifications!!! Yes…we are honoured and humbled to have @MadhuriDixit on board for @abhivarman ‘s next! NO the film is NOT titled SHIDHAT! Yes the film will Commence shoot in mid April! The films final cast and credits will be announced soon!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) March 19, 2018