Kollywood director Seenuramasamy has approached Actor Mammootty for his next project, as per a Times Of India report. The director’s last film, Dharmadurai, starring Vijay Sethupathy, Tamannah and Aishwarya Rajesh, was a moderate hit at the box-office.
According to the report, the filmmaker is now busy with the scripting of the project. Director-producer SA Chandrasekhar, father of actor Vijay, might be a part of the cast. The TOI report quoted Seenuramasamy as saying, “It’s true that talks are on regarding the same, but nothing has been finalised yet. I am currently busy completing my script.”
Mammootty is currently working on The Great Father, a Malayalam film directed by Haneef Adeni. The three time national award-winning actor is also playing the lead in Tamil director Ram’s next, Peranbu, co-starring Anjali. He has a number of films in the pipeline, including one scripted by Udayakrishna, the script-writer of the recent blockbuster Pulimurugan.