The Madras High Court on Thursday issued a notice to the makers of the Mammootty starrer Yatra, based on the life of former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S.Rajasekhar Reddy. M.Murugan of Sri Saai Lakshmi Pictures had filed a petition with the court staking claim to the title.
Posting the matter for further hearing on February 6, the Court issued a notice to the producers of the movie, said a LiveLaw report.
In his petition, Murugan claimed that he had registered the title and story with the Film and Television Producer Guild of South India. He said that the shooting of the movie was almost over and he planned to release the movie in the state by the end of February.
The producer also claimed that the makers of Yatra had gone ahead ignoring the warning of the guild. Murugan, in his petition, had sought a permanent injunction from releasing the movie in the state.
The court has directed the makers of the Mammootty starrer to respond by February 6.
Y.S.Rajashekhara Reddy was a two time Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh who died in a helicopter crash in September 2009. Following a Congress victory in 2004, he came to power and subsequently retained the power and ruled the state until his death.
Mahi V Raghav, the director of Yatra had spoken about the movie in a report. “We are taking the events from 2003 to the padayatra. It is structured as a road film. If you look at the character, in 2003, YSR was facing a now or never moment. Had he lost that election, no one would have known YSR much. He had 30 years of political experience but had to come out with something new, which he did in the form of a padayatra. Structurally, we see the event as a pivotal happening. The story ends with him finishing the Yatra.”
The movie has been scheduled for release on February 6.
Watch the trailer of the movie here:
Image Courtesy: LiveLaw