Vijay’s Tamil film Mersal is set for release in Tamil Nadu after the Madras High Court removed the stay on the use of the title. But its release in Kerala still looks uncertain as distributors want to be compensated for losses suffered during Vijay’s last release Bairavaa.
Mersal is due to release around Diwali.
Last week, an interim injunction was passed on the use of Mersal title following a case filed by producer A Rajendran, who contended to have registered a similar title Merrasalaitan as well as Naan Merrasalaitan with the Tamil Film Producers Council in 2015.
However, Justice Anita Sumanth vacated the interim order after agreeing with the production house that there was no illegality in using the title as alleged by Rajendran.
Mersal producer N Ramaswamy has confirmed the film will hit the screens on Diwali. “All decks have been cleared. It will be a feast for audiences when the film releases,” he told IANS.
Directed by Atlee, the film features Vijay in a triple role. Kajal Aggarwal, Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Nithya Menen play the leading ladies.
In Kerala, Mersal is facing stiff opposition from the Film Distributors Association (FDA), which has directed theatres in the state not to release it as the losses incurred for Vijay’s Bairavaa are yet to be settled.
In a statement, FDA has urged the theatres to extend support and not facilitate the release of the film.
Global United Media (GUM), the Kerala distributor of Mersal, is hopeful the matter will be resolved.
This is not the first time the company, popular for distributing Baahubali franchise, has been targeted.
In the past, GUM faced roadblocks during the release of Baahubali and Baahubali 2.