Actor Mohanlal will be joining hands with Kannada actor Upendra for a movie titled Kanneswara. Directed by Naganna, the film will have Vedhika playing the female lead. The shoot will begin next year.
Kanneswara is Mohanlal’s third Kannada film. He first made a cameo appearance in the 2004 film Love and then shared screen space with Puneeth Rajkumar in 2015 movie Mythri.
Through a press release, actor Upendra expressed his pleasure in acting alongside Mohanlal. He said:
I am a big fan of Lalettan’s work and look forward to acting with him. His role in Kanneswara is a powerful one, and will be a showcase for his acting skills. The team is honoured to be working with such a great actor.
Currently Mohanlal is shooting for Major Ravi’s 1971: Beyond Borders, a trilingual war drama. A big budget project, the film will have Mohanlal reprising his role as Major Mahadevan for the fourth time.