Telugu actor Allu Sirish, brother of Allu Arjun, will play one the leads in a Malayalam war film starring Mohanlal. The film, titled 1971 – Beyond Borders, is being helmed by Major Ravi. Mohanlal plays Major Mahadevan, a popular character he essayed in the 2009 film Keerthi Chakra and the 2008 film Kurukshetra.
1971 – Beyond Borders is based on events that occurred during the 1971 India-Pakistan war. Earlier, reports had surfaced that Baahubali star Rana Daggubati would be a part of this film. However, the actor tweeted that he was not acting in the movie.
Allu Sirish, who made his acting debut with Radha Mohan’s social drama Gauravam in 2013, is the younger brother of actor Allu Arjun. Arjun has a huge fan base in Kerala, where each of his films are released after being dubbed in Malayalam. His films Arya and Happy were box-office hits.