Ever since the price of a movie ticket was hiked by 25 per cent in Chennai, many have been venting their displeasure on social media. But, the fact remains that movie ticket prices in the city are much cheaper than other metros. Mumbai and Delhi, for instance, have different prices for weekdays and weekends, morning and evening shows. The prices even vary based on the language of the film. Chennai, on the other hand, has a standard rate of Rs 153 on all days, and for all shows, irrespective of language.
Here’s the pricing estimate in other cities, according to BookMyShow:
Mumbai: Rs 150 to Rs 240
Delhi: Rs 150 to Rs 300
Kolkata: Rs 118 to Rs 300
Bangalore: Rs 150 to Rs 300
Kochi: Rs 150 to Rs 205
Hyderabad: Rs 150 to Rs 250
“In Delhi, the first two weeks following a movie’s release will have different ticket pricing. Evening shows are always priced higher – close to Rs 200, while weekend shows will range from Rs 275 to Rs 450,” says Abhilasha, who shuttles between Chennai and Delhi for work, “For a film which is in demand, it will be up to Rs 800. At a theatre in Delhi where film premieres happen, the ticket price will be Rs 2,500 right after the premiere.”
In Bangalore the prices range from Rs 170 to Rs 300. “Sometimes it will touch Rs 350 as well. I work in Bangalore, but I prefer watching films in Chennai,” says Govelan Kumar, a Bangalore-based IT professional.
Mumbai charges more for English films than Hindi, while most of Kolkata has a standard price of Rs 118 except the multiplexes.
Hyderabad, perhaps, is closer to Chennai in terms of ticket pricing, with tickets ranging from Rs 170 to Rs 200 at multiplexes.