Contrary to the rumours, director Veerabhadram will not team up with comedian-turned-hero Sunil for the second time in a new project. The director confirmed this and added that his new film titled Chuttalabbayi will have actor Aadi, who has worked in movies like Prema Kavali and Sukumarudu, in the lead.
Talking to Silverscreen, he said: “I don’t know from where these rumours came from, but I’m not working Sunil again. I was supposed to work with Aadi in Poolarangadu but the project never materialised due to various reasons. I am happy that things have fallen in place now”.
The film will have tunes by S.S Thaman and will be produced by Venkatesh Thalari.. This project features Brahmanadam, Posani Krishna Murali and Ashutosh Rana in pivotal roles. The makers are on the lookout for a leading lady.