Mysskin understands the controversy over his recent comments at the Peranbu audio launch. At the event, the director said that had he been a girl, he would have raped Mammootty. According to a person who attended the event, everyone on stage laughed at the remarks.
After praising the Malayalam superstar to the skies for his subtle performance in the film, a festival favourite, Mysskin also said: “My job here is done. I came here to create some controversy for Peranbu, and I believe that has been done.”
The director was heavily criticised for his comments on social media. A spokesperson for the director told Silverscreen on Monday that Mysskin was aware of the furore over his comments. Mammootty’s spokesperson refused to comment on the issue, as did Peranbu director Ram.
Now, Mysskin has said he is aware his comments must have caused needless hurt to those who survived rape. “I could have phrased my views differently. I did not mean to be flippant about rape at any point. I understand how what I could have said could have caused offence and hurt to those who have survived such heinous acts.”
The director added that he was just trying to convey to the audience the extent of his admiration for Mammootty. “But such an idea could have been conveyed better had I used my words wisely,” the director said.
While he did not apologise for his actions, the director did say he felt repentant. A spokesperson for the All India Democratic Women’s Association condemned the director and said that artistes must speak responsibly on public platforms. “Not everybody gets a stage to express his/her views. Not everybody has stardom. So, when one is special enough to have both, some restraint and responsibility must be excercised. Director Mysskin has abused his privilege and propagated the idea that rape is an extension of romantic love,” she said.