Actor Sibiraj’s next film Naaigal Jaakirathai will release this month, actor Sibiraj has revealed during its audio release. The audio of the movie was launched on September 1. Sibiraj confirmed that the team is wrapping up their post-production work. Naaigal Jaakirathai is a story about Sibiraj and his dog, a Belgian Shepherd. Shakti Rajan, the director of the film took long to commence shoot for the film even after his script was ready as he was looking for an ideal canine to play the lead. His sources in Kerala and Tamil Nadu led him nowhere, even forcing him to consider the golden retriever that acted in Akshay Kumar’s recent hit Entertainment.
But Sibiraj and Shakti Rajan wanted an animal that could understand difficult commands. A vexed Sibiraj, put out a message on Twitter that the film needed a trained dog, which filmmaker Venkat Prabhu retweeted. One of Venkat Prabhu’s followers’ contacted Sibiraj and they finally found the Belgian Shepherd in Bengaluru. Sibiraj points out that Belgian Shepherd was the breed that to sniffed out Osama Bin Laden’s hideout. “The dog is as important as the hero in Naaigal Jaakirathai,” said Sibiraj.
Naaigal Jaakirathai is directed by Shakti Rajan of Naanayam fame. Madhan Karky has penned lyrics, while Dharan has composed music. Actor Sathyaraj produces the film under his banner Nathambal Film Factory.