Telugu actor Naga Chaitanya has denied numerous reports that he would play the lead in the Telugu remake of the 2014 Hindi film 2 States. It was widely reported that he will be paired with his real-life girlfriend Samantha Ruth Prabhu in the film. The actor told Hindustan Times “We are not doing this film. We haven’t even heard the script. So where is the question of doing it?”
2 States was an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s novel 2 States: The Story of My Marriage. The film had Arjun Kapoor play a Punjabi man and Alia Bhatt played a Tamil woman who fall in love while studying for their MBA. The plot revolves around their struggles to get their families to agree to their marriage. Reports suggested that apart from Chaitanya and Samantha, the makers of the remake have also showed interest in casting Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Ramya Krishna, and Revathi as the parents of the young couple. Abhishek Nama of Abhishek Pictures has acquired the film’s rights for Rs 55 lakh.
While the couple confirmed their relationship in September, they have denied reports that they would be getting married this year. Naga Chaitanya’s younger brother Akhil Akkineni will be engaged to designer Shriya Bhupal on 9 December. Chaitanya was seen in two films this year – Premam and Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo, both of which fared well at the box-office.
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