Telugu actor Naga Shaurya will reportedly play a Chennai boy in his Tamil debut directed by Devi director Vijay. The Jyo Achutananda actor recently completed the first schedule of the film’s shoot.
In conversation with Times of India, he revealed that he ‘okayed’ the film immediately after Vijay narrated the script to him. The project is a thriller, and has Sai Pallavi as the female lead.
The Tamil-Telugu bilingual is reportedly titled Karu and will be produced by Lyca Productions.
Vijay, whose film Vanamagan starring Jayam Ravi and Sayyesha Saigal will release next month, is currently busy with the final scripting of Karu. The new film will go on floors once Vanamangan releases.
Naga Shourya, meanwhile, has signed a film by Venky, a former assistant of Trivikram Srinivas and has another movie with debutant Sundar, called Ammagaarillu. It is reported that he will also be seen in Nara Rohith’s Kathalo Rajakumari and is also part of an action movie helmed by DOP-turned-director Sai Sriram.