Actor Nani, who was last seen in a full fledged role in Naan Ee, was roped in for a cameo role in director Anjana Ali Khan’s upcoming Pal’aandu Vaazhga. The Veppam actor took to Twitter to announce this news and the director (who helmed Veppam) also tweeted saying that having Nani on her set feels like she was back at home.
The Times of India has reported that the actor shot in the city for two days. Also, sources say that his character will be pivotal and has come out well.
Shooting of Pal’aandu Vaazhga, starring Rahul Ravindran of Moscowin Kavery fame and Wasna Ahmed, will be completed at the end of May. Actors Poornima Jayaram, Chandni, Devadarshini, Thalaivasal Vijay, Prem and Vinodini are a part of the supporting cast. Sathish Chakravarthy scores music for this romantic comedy.
Actor Nani has given special appearances in Gautham Menon’s Neethane En Ponvasantham and Samuthirakani’s Nimirndhu Nil.