Naveen’s third as director will have actors Arun Vijay and Vijay Antony in lead roles. The director’s spokesperson told Silverscreen that the project will be an action thriller. Shalini Pandey is the female lead of this film, the title of the film – Agni Siragugal – was launched earlier today by actor Kamal Haasan.
Here is my next directorial after#AlaudhininArputhaCamera
and the title is#AgniSiragugal
Thnx @ikamalhaasan sir for launching@vijayantony @arunvijayno1 @shalinipandeyyy @TSivaAmma— Naveen.M (@NaveenFilmmaker) November 1, 2018
Apart from Arun Vijay and Vijay Antony, the film will also feature Prakash Raj, Jagapati Babu and Nasser in important roles. Amma Creations’ T Siva is the producer.
The production team is wary of revealing more details about the film. “We want to keep it under wraps as much as possible. Naveen has come up with a great script and this is totally unexplored territory for him. However, he has done justice to the action genre. The movie also has a moral conscience, a significant aspect of all films Naveen has directed thus far,” a spokesperson for T Siva told Silverscreen.
Vijay Antony’s manager told Silverscreen that the actor is elated to be part of such a team. Arun Vijay echoed similar sentiments and said, “Naveen is a great talent, and I am eager to begin work on the project. I don’t want to be repetitive and say that this film will see me in a different role, but that is truly what Naveen has written for me.”
Natarajan Sankaran is the composer for the film while KA Batcha handles cinematography. Shooting begins in December this year, with an official pooja. Actors Arun Vijay and Vijay Antony are undergoing rigorous training for their roles in the film, the spokesperson added.
Naveen’s second as director was announced a few months back. Titled Alauddhinin Arputha Camera, the film belongs to the fantasy genre. It is complete and getting ready to release soon, Naveen shared on his official social media account.
Arun Vijay was last seen in Chekka Chivantha Vaanam as Thiagarajan while Vijay Antony is gearing up for the release of Thimiru Pudichavan this Deepavali. Both actors will start shoot for their new film with Naveen from December this year.