Nikesha Patel is in talks to play one of the leads in the upcoming 100 Degree Celsius remake. The Tamil- Telugu bilingual, to be directed by Mithran Jawahar, will feature four leading actresses. Raai Laxmi has already been roped in for one of the lead roles, sources said. Talks are on with Trisha Krishnan to essay one of these leads. Reports indicate that Nivetha Pethuraj of Oru Naal Koothu fame is also in the running for one of the roles.
Nikesha Patel made her acting debut with Telugu film Puli. She played one of the leads in Gautham Karthik’s Yennamo Yedho, and followed it up with films such as Naradhan and Karai Oram. At present, Patel is busy filming 7 Naatkal, in which she plays the female lead.
Mithran Jawahar debuted as director with the Dhanush – Nayanthara starrer Yaaradi Nee Mohini, the Tamil remake of Selvaraghavan’s Telugu language film, Aadavari Matalaku Arthale Verule. He followed this up with Kutty, Uthamaputhiran and the recent Meendum Oru Kadhal Kadhai. All of his five films thus far have been remakes. He is currently busy with Saamiatta, the remake of Telugu film Swamy Ra Ra.