In response to rumours that his next film would feature actor Sivakarthikeyan, Anegan director KV Anand, tweeted to deny that he had signed the actor for this next project. He also said the rumours would cause needless tension for Sivakarthikeyan and the hero of the film.
Pure gossip friends. இத கேட்டா not only @Siva_Kartikeyan, நாங்க பேசிட்டிருக்க Heroவும் tension ஆகப்போறாறு…?
— anand k v (@anavenkat) September 6, 2015
The cinematographer turned director has already completed the script of his next film. and the casting is currently in progress. Earlier, there had been speculation that KV Anand had signed Ajith for the project, but the director had dismissed those reports as well.