At the audio launch of Om Shanthi Om, director Surya Prabaakar revealed that the flick is a supernatural thriller. “The movie is about spirits. We haven’t made fun of them, unlike the current trend. After watching the movie, audience will be moved and they will definitely think of their deceased loved ones,” he said. Prabaakar added that the shooting was completed on time mainly because of Srikanth’s punctuality. “I have never seen him coming late to the shoot. He was always on time and he is one of the most co-operative artistes I have ever met.”
The movie features Srikanth and Neelam Upadhyaya. Actors Aadukalam Naren, Vinodhini and Siddharth form the supporting cast. Vijay Ebenezer has composed music, while Arumai Chandran has produced.