Jeethu Joseph is the man who directed the Mohanlal-Meena starrer Drishyam, which set many a box-office record in Mollywood in 2013. Now, he is all set to recreate the magic in Tamil, with Kamal Haasan in the lead. In an interview with TOI, the director spoke about his friendship with Kamal, the plagiarism allegations, and a lot more.
Kamal Haasan had checked with him before the shoot to know whether the character Suyambulingam, can be made more ’emotional’ to suit the Tamil audience, said Jeethu. “Mohanlal’s Georgekutty and Kamal Haasan’s Suyambulingam have different characteristic traits…both have played the roles in their own styles,” he told TOI.
Bonding with Kamal Haasan was special and memorable, he said. Apparently, after the shoot, Kamal sent Jeethu an SMS about how comfortable he was working with the director and that their friendship reminded Kamal of his relationship with ace Malayalam director IV Sasi.
When Jeethu was embroiled in a plagiarism case, Kamal urged him to carry the fight on. “Around Rs 20 lakhs was lost in the case and the shoot was delayed by more than a month. Kamal sir urged me to fight it out and not take it lightly,” he told TOI.