Today, actor Parthiban resigned as the vice president of the Tamil Film Producers’ Council, ahead of Ilaiayaraaja 75 event. The TFPC is organizing the grand event to honour the music legend, and it is happening today and tomorrow at YMCA Grounds, Nandanam.
Actor Parthiban resigned from his post in TFPC for unknown reasons.
Speaking to Silverscreen, he said, “Yes! It’s true that I have resigned from the post. I have told my reasons to the council clearly. Ilaiyaraaja sir event is going on and I don’t want to make this a big scene right now. I will speak about this after the event. I couldn’t get along with some of the council’s decisions. So I made this decision,” he said in a short reply.
Meanwhile, actor Parthiban seems to be enthusiastic about preparing himself for Ilaiyaraaja 75, as he posted about his costume for the event on his twitter account. Also, he posted a video of the event’s invitation which included Ilaiyaraaja’s 1000 movies. He mentioned that this idea was proposed by him on his Twitter account.
Actor Parthiban was appointed as vice president of the council in December 2018. He replaced director Gautham Vasudev Menon and actor Prakash Raj as there were complaints that both of them were irregular for council meetings and events.
The TFPC has faced several challenges in organizing Ilaiayaraaja 75. Producer JSK Satish, who is also a member of TFPC, filed a case in the Madras High court seeking a stay on the event. He stated that there were some fund misappropriations in organizing the event. However, the court refused to order a stay on the event, but asked the council to submit funding and expenditure details two weeks after the event.
Ilaiyaraaja 75 will have the participation of many biggies from the film industry including Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan and AR Rahman.