Adhiti Menon, star of Pattadhari and the upcoming Santhanadevan, will play the female lead in Kumki 2. The actress was chosen over debutant Shivani Rajasekhar for the role, a source close to the film’s director, Prabhu Solomon, said.
“Shivani had done a look test for the film and it was a close race between her and Adhiti. But, in the end, Adhiti’s performance won her the lead role,” the source added.
Prabhu Solomon hopes to begin filming this in August this year. While Kumki dealt with the unusual bond between an elephant and a mahout, the film’s sequel will deal with horses, reports indicate. Plans are on to shoot the film in exotic locations.
D Imman, a Prabhu Solomon favourite, is the music composer.
Feature Image Courtesy: Adhiti Menon FB Page