Actor Pavel Navageethan is venturing into direction with a thriller titled V1, starring newcomer actors Arun Ram Castro and Vishnupriya. The film is complete and will release this August.
The first-look poster, a painting featuring a woman murdered on a street, was released by director Vetri Maaran recently. Vetri Maaran is Pavel’s mentor and they have also worked together on Vada Chennai.
Here it is @Kalorful_Offcl and @Paradigm_Picpro's #V1 First Look released by Director @vetrimaaran #V1Firstlook@Pavelnavagethan @Saravan88916256 @LijeeshActor @linga_offcl @positiveprint_ @Muralidharan142 @Arvraj21 @teamaimpr @CtcMediaboy
— Peppy Cinema (@PeppyCinema) July 3, 2019
Pavel is best known for his performance as an actor in Vada Chennai, Madras, Magalir Mattum, Kuttram Kadithal and Peranbu. He says his passion, however, was always direction, “I got acting offers and took it up, but even on the sets of these films I would be an assistant director.”
About the story of V1, he says, “It’s a forensic thriller centered on a police officer who solves cases using his ability to read body language and behaviour closely. However, he’s scared of the dark and doesn’t see himself fit to do any other job, so he joins the forensic department. Here he meets another cop played by Vishnupriya and they set out to investigate a complicated murder case.”
He spent four months researching forensics and met several cops during pre-production. The film is also inspired by many real life murders and investigations, he says.
Lijeesh, who played a supporting role in Pariyerum Perumal, actors Monika, Mime Gopi, and Linga who was recently in Sindhubaadh, have important roles. Music for the film is by Malayalam composer Ronnie Raphel. The cinematography is by Krishna Sekar TS and editing by CS Prem Kumar, who worked on director Lakshmy Ramakrishnan’s House Owner recently.
About 80 percent of the shoot took place inside a room, says Pavel, “I must credit our art director Ramesh for keeping the set interesting despite this limitation.”
Shooting for the film completed three months ago, and the filmmakers are planning an August release.
Feature image courtesy: Director Pavel