Actor Prakash Raj will play Nivin Pauly’s father in an upcoming Tamil film directed by Gautham Ramachandran. The film is an adaptation of the Kannada film, Ulidavaru Kandanthe, directed by actor-director Rakshit Shetty. In the remake, Nivin will be playing a gangster, a role that had earned Rakshit Shetty critical acclaim.
Talking to Silverscreen, Gautham said it was through Rakshit Shetty that he got in touch with Prakash Raj for the film. “I was initially apprehensive about approaching him for the film, as I knew he is very choosy about the scripts he chooses. He watched Ulidavaru Kandanthe and appreciated Rakshit on his innovative attempt. So it was Rakshit who put me through to Prakash Raj, who expressed his interest to join the team. I have re-written most of the scenes from the original, so he wanted to take a look at the script. After reading one of his dialogues, with his signature laugh, he said that he will do the film.”
The role is that of a pastor who has a strained relationship with his son. “He is very interactive and jovial during discussions, but is a totally different person on sets. He doesn’t even look at me when I explain the shot. He just takes in everything with so much concentration. I know the characters in my film inside out. But he came into the film just 10 days ago, and performed in such a way that there’s nothing more I could’ve expected for that character. I’m delighted that I could bring him on board, and his character has come out very well,” said Gautham.
The first two schedules of the film has been completed, and the third schedule will begin next week. The film has an ensemble cast that includes Natraj Subramaniam, Sraddha Srinath, Lakshmi Priyaa and GK Reddy. Pandi Kumar is the cinematographer for the film while Ajaneesh Loknath, who composed the music for the original, is scoring the music for this film as well. The film is produced by Anand Kumar and Vinod Shornur.