Director Priyadarshan next film, starring Prakash Raj and Sriya Reddy in the lead, has been titled Sila Nerangalil. Prakash Raj said he was astounded by the depth of Priyadarshan’s knowledge as well as Sriya Reddy’s passion towards her craft. Sila Nerangalil is set to be a social awareness movie on AIDS.
Meaningful day… filming #sila nerangalil by Priyadarshan ….Amazed by his depth .. N to witness @sriyareddy ‘s hunger to excel.. Cheers!!
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) August 18, 2015
However, the movie might run into trouble with its title, as there is already a 2008 film by the name of Sila Nerangalil. Directed by Jayaraj, the film starred Vincent Asokan, Navya Nair, Vineeth, Raghuvaran, Ramesh Khanna, and Sriman.
Director Priyadarshan’s Sila Nerangalil is being jointly produced by Amala Paul’s Think Big Studios and Prabhudeva’s Prabhudeva Studios. This film marks the second collaboration between the National Award winning Kanchivaram team.