Director Priyadarashan’s Tamil film Sila Samayangalil, which made it to the final round of selection for the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards but did not get nominated, will have a Netflix release instead of a theatrical one. According to India Today, the film will premiere on the streaming platform on May 1.
The team, in a statement, claims that the film is the first Netflix original film of India.
Sila Samayangalil is based on eight characters who arrive at a pathology lab at 9 am to give a blood sample to check for HIV. Prakash Raj, Sriya Reddy, Nassar and Ashok Selvan play the lead roles in the film, which has music by Ilaiyaraaja. The film is produced jointly by director Vijay, who is a protege of Priyadarshan, Prabhu Deva and Isari K Ganesh.
Watch the trailer here: