Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra will next be seen as a villain in the Hollywood movie Baywatch. This is the former Miss World’s first ever Hollywood role. Recently, she had become the first Indian to win an award at the People Choice Awards, for her role in the American television series Quantico.
In Baywatch, Chopra will star opposite Dwayne Johnson, popularly known as The Rock for his stint as a professional wrestler. In Quantico, she played an FBI trainee named Alex Parrish.
Confirming the news, Chopra tweeted: “And it’s time to tell u all officially!! #Baywatch it is @therock ! Being Bad is what I do best!!! U better watch out!! #PCinBaywatch”
And it’s time to tell u all officially!! #Baywatch it is @therock ! Being Bad is what I do…
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) February 16, 2016
She also retweeted The Rock’s video where he had written: “She’s one of the biggest stars in the world. Insanely talented, relentlessly smokin’ and extremely dangerous – perfect for #BAYWATCH. Welcome @PriyankaChopra to our bad ass and incredibly dysfunctional family. Cue RATED R slo-mo running on the beach. We start shooting next week. World.. #WelcomeToBaywatch.”
She’s one of the biggest stars in the world. Insanely talented, relentlessly smokin’ and…
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) February 16, 2016