Kannada actress Samyuktha Hegde had to deal with social media abuse for allegedly favouring a Tamil project over a Kannada one. News outlets had reported that the actress had agreed to star in Karthik Subbaraj’s next with Prabhu Deva.
Following this, the actress was attacked by pro-Kannada trolls on social media.
Eventually, Samyuktha took to her social media account to set things right. She wrote,
“Kannada is my mother tongue and I respect it immensely, my first preference is always Kannada. Before judging, please know the truth and understand the situation. Everything you see and listen on TV isn’t true. I didn’t give any offensive statements. My language is my love. I don’t need anyone to explain it to me.”
She also refuted reports of being a part of the Subbaraj project. “There is nothing to talk about. I am not doing it.”
Hegde was last seen in Rakshit Shetty’s Kirik Party.
Feature Image Courtesy: Filmibee