Since making his debut as an actor with a crucial role in Taramani, followed by a cameo in Mammootty’s Peranbu, veteran producer JSK is now busy with multiple acting projects. He has been roped in to play an important role in Agni Siragugal that stars Arun Vijay, Vijay Antony, and Akshara Haasan in the lead roles. He was approached by the film’s director, Naveen, to play the role.
#AgniSiragugal final schedule in #Moscow
Fingers crossed
A D V E R T I S E M E N T@NaveenFilmmaker @arunvijayno1 @vijayantony @TSivaAmma @aksharahaasan1 @SureshChandraa @pjaijo
— J Satish Kumar (@JSKfilmcorp) October 3, 2019
JSK was quite impressed with the movie and how it is being made and signed up soon. The major chunk of his role has been shot with the leads characters in the Russia schedule of the movie. Apart from Agni Siragugal, which is produced by Amma Creations T Siva, JSK is also a part of Sibiraj’s Kabadadaari and director Ranjit Jeyakodi’s untitled venture.
Happy to be a part in suspense thriller #Kabadadaari here is motion poster ps:// 👍@Dhananjayang @Sibi_Sathyaraj @Nanditasweta @Directorpradeep @johnroshan
— J Satish Kumar (@JSKfilmcorp) October 24, 2019
While all of this is also going on, the producer-turned-actor has been approached for other projects as well, but he is keen on doing roles that are an important part of the movie. Furthermore, he has been approached for a few more projects and he wants to take them up based on the substantiality of his roles.
Watch the motion poster of Kabadadaari here.