Producer Suresh Kumar will make his acting debut with Malayalam film Ram Leela. The producer, known for financing films like Rathi Nirvedam and Neelathamara through his Revathy Kalamandhir, will play a political activist in Ram Leela.
Arun Gopi directs this film that has actor Dileep in the lead. The investigative thriller also has the likes of Mukesh, Sai Kumar, Vijayaraghavan, Suresh Krishna, Siddique, Renji Panicker, and Radhika Sarath Kumar in supporting roles. Sachi has written the script of this film that will be shot in and around Palakkad.
Suresh’s wife Menaka, and daughter Keerthy Suresh, are also actors. Keerthy last starred in Bairavaa, the Vijay starrer that released last week.
Feature Image Courtesy: Revathy Kalamandhir