The title of director SP Jhananathan’s upcoming film, Purampokku, has been changed to Purampokku Engira Podhu Udamai, according to a report in The Times of India. Sources say that a section of people found the title abusive while another section thought that the title didn’t match the storyline of the movie.
Months earlier, the director and the cast of Purampokku declared that the word ‘purampokku’ would have a different meaning when the movie releases.
In 2013, cinematographer and actor Natraj Subramaniam claimed that he had registered the title Purampokku for his next film. Later, the issue was solved and Purampokku‘s production company, UTV Motion Pictures retained the name.
Audio of Purampokku Engira Podhu Udamai is likely to be out on May 1. The official audio launch and release date will be announced soon. The star cast of the movie includes Arya, Vijay Sethupathi, Karthika Nair and Shaam.