Actress Raai Laxmi, who is awaiting the release of Sowkarpettai, has undergone surgery in both her legs at a private hospital in Mumbai. The actress is recuperating and doctors have suggested complete rest for the time being. Raai Laxmi had been shooting for multiple films in Tamil, Hindi and Telugu, and sources say that the actress hurt her legs while shooting for Julie 2.
This is the answers to ur prayers , love n concern that everything went on well n I m fine big hug to u all❤️?cheers
— RAAI LAXMI (@iamlakshmirai) November 6, 2015
Reports suggest that Raai Laxmi dislocated her nerves due to continuous dancing during shooting. Even as wishes poured in from fans and well-wishers, Raai Laxmi said she was disappointed over the schedule break caused by her injury.
I feel so terrible!Unfortunately it’s a schedule break due to my leg injury?such a sick feeling hate it ??? aahhhh.. — RAAI LAXMI (@iamlakshmirai) October 28, 2015
Raai Laxmi is currently working on Sowkarpettai and the Tamil remake of Bangalore Days, in addition to Julie 2 and AR Murugadoss’s Akira in Hindi.