Raashi Khanna will make her Malayalam film debut through a project directed by B Unnikrishnan, reports Deccan Chronicle. The actress will reportedly play a ‘tough cop’ in the film that also has actors Mohanlal, Vishal, Srikanth, Hansika Motwani.
“The film is a suspense thriller where Mohanlal plays a retired cop. Raashi has been roped in to play a cop and she’s going to be seen in quite a daredevil avatar. The film will have a set of people playing the lead and she is one of them,” a source told DC.
Mohanlal is said to play a retired cop in this movie that has Vishal in a negative role. Produced by Rockline Venkatesh, the film will have a big budget like Mohanlal’s previous Puli Murugan. The shooting of the film is expected to begin by the end of this month.