After Tiger Zinda Hai last year, Salman Khan will return to the big screen on Eid 2018 with Race 3. The actor released the motion poster today with his distinct voice in the background, announcing, “On your marks…get set…go,” before the logo finally appears to the beats of a pulsating background score.
Salman will play the lead in the third installment of the franchise, taking over the reigns from Saif Ali Khan who played the lead in both Race and Race 2. The franchise was previously directed by Abbas-Mustan.
3 months to go … #Race3 #Race3ThisEid @SKFilmsOfficial @tipsofficial @RameshTaurani @remodsouza @Asli_Jacqueline @thedeol @AnilKapoor @Saqibsaleem @ShahDaisy25
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) March 15, 2018
Besides Salman, it also stars Jacqueline Fernandez, who will appear in a pivotal role in the second part. Jacqueline will be seen performing some high-octane stunts, for which she’s been prepping for months.
Salman has reunited with Hollywood action coordinator Tom Struthers, they had worked together in Tiger Zinda Hai.
Says a report in DNA, “Tom has been roped in to choreograph the stunt sequences for the action-packed climax of the Remo D’Souza directorial. The team is currently camping in Abu Dhabi and will shoot the high-octane scenes over the next month-and-a-half.”
The film also stars Bobby Deol, Saqib Saleem, Daisy Shah and Anil Kapoor.