Actor Rahul Dev, best known for his portrayal of antagonists, will play a prominent role in Ajith’s upcoming film, provisionally titled Thala 56. According to sources, he has already joined the sets and shot a couple of scenes. The team is back in Chennai after a challenging Kolkata schedule, and is likely to shoot some of the high-octane action sequences in the city. Subsequently, the team is likely to head to Italy.
An announcement on the official title of Thala 56 was expected on Independence Day, with speculation that the title would be ‘Vetti Vilas’. However, there has been no official confirmation on the title as yet.
Directed by director Siruthai Siva, Thala 56 stars Ajith, Shruti Haasan, and Lakshmi Menon. Actors Ashwin Kakumanu, Kabir Duhan Singh, Soori, and Rahul Dev form the supporting cast. Produced by AM Rathnam, this film has music by Anirudh Ravichander and is scheduled to release during the Diwali festival.