Director Rajakrishna Menon, whose directorial debut Airlift was a critical and commercial success, has started shooting his next film. Titled Chef, the Bollywood film has Saif Ali Khan playing the lead role. Actress Padmapriya will be seen in a pivotal role in the film which is being shot extensively in Kochi.
The film is reported to be a road movie that explores Indian food. It is an official remake of Jon Favreau’s Hollywood film, Chef.
According to a report by The Hindu, Chef will have Khan playing Roshan, a professional chef, and Padmapriya plays his ex-wife, a Bharatanatyam exponent residing in Kochi. The film follows Roshan’s life as he quits his job at an international restaurant and starts a food truck with his son. The film will feature the local cuisine of various small towns and cities they travel to. Svar Kamble plays Khan’s son in the film.
Chef is produced by T-Series, Bandra West Pictures and Abundantia Entertainment. The film is scheduled to release in 2017.
Airlift, starring Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kumar, was based on the evacuation of Indians living in Kuwait during the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in 1990. The film, released in January 2016, emerged as one of the biggest Bollywood hits of the year.