When SMS and email forwards started trending in the mid 2000s, technology paved the way for Rajinikanth jokes. Given that he had always been portrayed as this larger-than-life figure who could bash up baddies all at once and still throw his cigarette in the air and catch it in his mouth, the jokes too centered around this man who is indestructible.
“Rajinikanth doesn’t pay attention. Attention pays him.”
“Rajinikanth was shot today. Tomorrow is the bullet’s funeral.”
“When Rajinikanth does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up. He’s pushing the Earth down.”
And then came the memes. There’s even a dedicated website called RajinikanthJokes.com and pages such as CID vs Rajinikanth.
Here are some of the top Rajinikanth memes.
And considering how Cyclone Vardah happened in Tamil Nadu last year, exactly on his birthday, social media users did not let go of the opportunity.
#cyclonevardah#chennaicyclone #Vardah
The real reason behind cyclone..
We pray for everyone’s safety..@sardanarohit #Rajinikanth pic.twitter.com/RdHsP9iSVM— akshay jain (@dilsaeakshay1) December 14, 2016
Happy Rajinikanth Day to you too!