Rakesh Maria, the former Mumbai Police Commissioner and the Maharashtra ATS chief, who earned a reputation after cracking numerous high profile cases, including the 1993 blasts and interrogating Ajmal Kasab, is set to have a show based on his life that will be directed by Meghna Gulzar.
The series will be jointly produced by Reliance Entertainment and Anurag Kashyap’s Phantom Films.
Taut files of a top cop! An original series on the life and case files of former Mumbai CP, #RakeshMaria. Excited to be telling these stories with @RelianceEnt @FuhSePhantom & #MadhuMantenahttps://t.co/9rnaYoaOP9 pic.twitter.com/VLpYJRanKw
— Meghna Gulzar (@meghnagulzar) August 6, 2018
“It is exciting to re-live the journey, especially when piloted by a brilliant and sensitive director like Meghna Gulzar, and a production house of the calibre of Reliance Entertainment and Phantom Films. More than the nostalgia, it’s also a valuable opportunity to place before the people the extraordinary work of the Mumbai Police when facing tough challenges and working against all odds,” Maria said in a press statement.
Maria, who retired from service as the Director General of Home Guards on January 31 last year, was accused by the Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis for ‘taking a special interest in one case’ after he cracked the Sheena Bora murder case. He was also accused by the widow of IPS officer Ashok Kamte for not sending reinforcements on time during the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai.
Director of the series, Meghna Gulzar, whose last two movies – Talvar and Raazi – were based on real-life incidents, said, “Rakesh Maria’s life-experiences and his prolific career in law-enforcement are a powerful lens to explore the chronology of crime and terror, in our society – as a city, as well as, as a country and a geographical region. The potential of this content is limitless, and that is supremely exciting for me.”
Meghna Gulzar’s Raazi, starring Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal, released in May this year and was a massive success. It was based on the novel ‘Calling Sehmat’ by Harinder Sikka. Her previous release was Talvar, starring Irfan Khan and Konkona Sen Sharma, was based on the Arushi murder case.
Image Courtesy: DNA