Ram Gopal Varma has found himself in the midst of a controversy yet again. The director released a poster of his film – Savitri – featuring a teenage boy staring at the midriff of an older woman. Naturally, the poster garnered a lot of negative publicity and hate for the film and its director. According to recent reports, social welfare groups have been protesting against the ‘obscene’ picture and the latest is that the State Child Rights Protection Commission has taken suo motu cognizance of the case for violating child rights.
Ram Gopal Varma has finally spoken out on the issue. He said, “The woman in the poster is not a teacher and as such there is no basis in the allegations that are pouring in right now. People are getting agitated over nothing…they are misinformed.” He will also take legal action against “people who have initiated this stunt in the hopes that they will get cheap publicity”.
The film has Anushkriti Govind Sharma in the lead and deals with the infatuation that a teenage boy develops for an older woman.