Director Ram Gopal Varma, in a typical series of inflammatory Tweets, has claimed that his upcoming biopic would reveal the ‘true story’ behind the relationship between the late Tamil Nadu Chief minister Jayalalithaa and her jailed associate Sasikala Natarajan. He wrote that what the “servants” at Poes Garden – where Jayalalithaa lived until her death – told him was “unimaginable,” and insisted that he would show it all in his movie, titled Sasikala.
The tweets got progressively incomprehensible, with Varma describing Sasikala as ‘Don Vito Sasikala Corleone of the Manargudi Mafia Family,’ and making the baffling claim that the movie would be “the story of the story behind Sasikala in front of Sasikala and only Manargudi mafia members will understand this.” He then left the world in suspense (and broke new ground by ending a sentence with and) with this Tweet: “I somehow have this very extremely strong feeling that Jayalalitha’s spirit will come into Sasikala’s jail cell and”
Don Vito Sasikala Corleone of the Manargudi Mafia Family ..She doesn't even offer for you to refuse🙏
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) February 16, 2017
"Sasikala" is going to be the story of the story behind Sasikala in front of Sasikala and only Manargudi mafia members will understand this
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) February 16, 2017
Meanwhile, another filmmaker called Faisal Saif announced earlier this month that the Jayalalitha biopic he was ready to make has been shelved due to various threatening calls he received.
“The film had been put on hold. Besides, I’m not getting any signals from the producers, because I believe even they’ve received many threat calls. Looking at the current circumstances, I don’t think the film will get made,” he told the Asian Age. Reportedly, only the climax is left to shoot in the biopic that has Ragini Dwivedi playing Jayalalitha. Prashanth Narayan and Rajpal Yadav were to essay major roles in this bilingual.