Actress Raveena Tandon on Saturday tweeted a photo of herself in a fancy saree. She also asked her followers if she would be termed a communal or sanghi since she’s dressed in a saree.
A sareee day … will I be termed communal,Sanghi,bhakt,hindutva icon?if I say I love wearing the saree and I think it’s the most elegant???
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) June 10, 2017
Soon enough, she started getting called out for trying to politicise something as innocuous as wearing a saree.
Not unless u claimed its exact sari worn by sita mata on her mehendi. Also, Muslims wear sari too, get some facts.(BTW this is not trolling)
— Sanjukta Basu (@sanjukta) June 10, 2017
If only amazing looks could cancel bigotry.
— Prasanto K Roy (@prasanto) June 10, 2017
A khaki shorts day..will i b termed communal,Sanghi,bhakt,hindutva icon?if I say I love wearing khaki short & I think its most elegant~Obama
— Saumya (@SaumyaRt) June 10, 2017
That sari is almost as beautiful as your faux victimhood is nauseating.
— Vinay Aravind (@vinayaravind) June 10, 2017
Because when you’re jobless, have no talent and suffer from faux victimhood then you politicize a piece of garment ??? @TandonRaveena
— Prerna Bakshi (@bprerna) June 10, 2017
No Raveena Tandon, u wont be called Sanghi, Bhakt for wearing Saree. U will just be called Stupid for thinking so.
— Joy (@Joydas) June 10, 2017
The actress later apologised for her statement, claiming that her intent was not to “communalise a saree”.
Saree is a beautiful Elegant Indian Garment.My Tweet was NOT to communalise Saree.Was my fear of being trolled to say I love anything Indian
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) June 10, 2017
If it has come across as anything else.I apologise.That was not the intention.Had not thought that it would be misunderstood the way it has.
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) June 10, 2017
Responding to fans, she further clarified that she has no intentions of joining politics despite being offered a seat in the past.
all those thinking o want to get into politics. I AM NOT INTERESTED.Was offered by TMC. CONG, and BJP. Said No.Would’ve joined yours Nizam
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) June 10, 2017