At the success meet of Remo‘s Telugu version, the film’s cinematographer PC Sreeraam hinted that the film may be remade in Hindi. “Remo is a big hit in both Tamil and Hindi, and now Raja (RD Raja) is taking it to Hindi,” he said.
Remo, the story of a failed actor who tries to woo the woman of his dreams in drag released on September 7. Directed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan, Remo went on to collect Rs 33 Crores worldwide in its opening weekend alone.
The film has had it’s fair share of controversies. Prior to it’s release, an online petition was made, asking people to boycott the film for glorifying stalking.
The film did have stalking at it’s core, but PC Sreeram seemingly had no qualms about this as he said, “The film will do well in Hindi because the story structure is such that it will cater to the audience’s entertainment, no matter what language it is made in. That is the beauty of this country, no matter what language the film is made in, if it entertains, it becomes a success.”
A source close to the film’s unit told IANS, “Talks have been going on for Hindi remake since the release of the Tamil version. However, nothing has been finalised yet,”
The film and Sivakarthikeyan were in the eye of controversies after the actor broke down into tears at the success meet of the film in Chennai about the difficulties he faced while trying to release Remo. Sivakarthikeyan has had to resolve issues with a few other producers to whom he had committed to work with in the past.