Actor and politician S Karunas has issued a statement accusing BJP of trying to kill social justice by allotting reservations based on economical status. The AIADMK MLA said that reservations were for the oppressed classes in society, and were not freebies to be given to all the poor.
On Wednesday, the parliament cleared a constitutional amendment bill guaranteeing 10% quota in education and employment to economically weaker sections of the general category. This was approved by the Rajya Sabha. The Upper House nod came following a nine-hour heated debate, during which the opposition accused the government of bringing the bill in haste before the Lok Sabha elections.
Members of AIADMK walked out. DMK, Rashtriya Janata Dal, Biju Janata Dal party members opposed the bill. But it was passed with a majority of 165 against seven votes, and will be now be sent for presidential assent.
AIADMK MLA Karunas condemned BJP for this. He said, “Reservations are not freebies to be given to all those who are poor. It is for social justice, for those who are most oppressed in society. BJP is doing this just to abolish justice from society. Reservations based on economic status must be strongly condemned.”
He also said that Modi must instead recover money from foreign bank accounts, “If he recovers black money from foreign banks and deposits them every individual’s accounts, there will be no concept of poverty in our nation. He has not keep up his election promises.”
He said, “The constitution allows reservations based on communities and not economic status. If this bill comes into action, there will only be an increase in corruption. We will have a situation where financially backward people must pay to get certificates. BJP is planning this before the upcoming parliament elections. If they dare to kill justice, we should stand up and fight against them. We should not let them win.”